Pilgrim Road
Studio & Productions
Christ-honoring Music, Crafted with Excellence
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Mission Statement:
We aim to produce high-quality studio recordings with God-fearing, Christ-honoring musicians at low- or no-cost to the artist.
Artists are hand-selected, and their music is provided FREE of charge to the public.
We rely on donations in order to bring this music to life. Thanks for your support!

Karl Gessler Band
Contemporary, folksy and passionate worship music

Alisha Mullett
A clean and pure voice - you can hear the depths of her heart

Johnson Bentley Band
Family-style gospel bluegrass featuring 9 year old banjo player
Look for new albums coming from these artists in 2019 and beyond.
Join our Email List to get these Free Downloads upon release.
Karl Gessler Band
Karl Gessler, his wife Susie and their 5 children travel around the country and sing the Gospel in rescue missions and churches.
Their music can be described as contemporary, folksy and passionate worship.
Alisha & Brianna Mullett
Alisha was born with a heart defect and received a transplant as a newborn. Now she is 20 years old with a heart of gold.
She and her sister Brianna have been singing together since they were little girls.
Johnson Bentley
Johnson Bentley is a 9 year old banjo extraordinaire. Along with his sister Addie (fiddle) and the rest of the family, they bring you wholesome bluegrass Gospel music with lots of soul.
New Record Coming Soon.
Sounds Like Reign
Brackin and Lindsay Kirkland put a contemporary twist on your favorite old-time hymns, and they write original songs with lush soundscapes and dense lyrics.
They have 5 boys that are learning to play and sing too.
We will be working with many more artists in the near future.
Sign up for our mailing list to receive updates about new music.
More Artists
More Artists
We will be working with many more artists in the near future.
Sign up for our mailing list to receive updates about new music.

We are always in search of new music to feature.
If you'd like to record at Pilgrim Road, please send a link to your music​
(even a rough phone recording will do) to: PilgrimRoadStudio@gmail.com


Pilgrim Road Studio exists to promote the Kingdom of God through God-fearing, Christ-honoring music and media productions.
We believe that modern media and culture lack good examples of the power of Christ to change lives.
We believe that music, when infused with the truths of God's Word, can have the power the reach deep into people's hearts.
Our goal is to redeem the time, tools and media - which our culture commonly wastes on self glory - and use them to promote the Kingdom of God, here on earth as it is in heaven.
We do not wish to elevate the artists and families featured in this music, but instead let their voices be freely heard so that ALL people may glorify God and walk more closely with His blessed Son Jesus.
Please consider joining us in
this endeavor by making a
donation. Blessings!